The Critical Reader, 5th Edition: The Complete Guide to SAT Reading

The Critical Reader, 5th Edition: The Complete Guide to SAT Reading

The Critical Reader, 5th Edition: The Complete Guide to SAT Reading

Intended to clearly and systematically demystify what is often considered the most challenging section of the SAT, The Critical Reader: The Complete Guide to SAT® Reading, 5th Edition, provides a comprehensive review of the reading skills tested on the redesigned exam for students who are serious about raising their scores.
A chapter-by-chapter breakdown of question types, with in-depth explanations and numerous examples demonstrating how to work through each type.
Techniques for comprehending complex passages and identifying key information quickly and efficiently.
Extensive strategies for simplifying and answering paired supporting evidence questions as well as graph- and chart-based data analysis questions.
A list of alternate definitions of common words, plus strategies for using context clues to decipher the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary.
To allow students to apply the strategies outlined in this book to College Board material while focusing on the specific areas in which they are seeking to improve, this book also includes a list of all the Reading questions from the Official College Board SAT Guide, 2018 Edition, arranged both by category and by test.

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86% học viên đạt điểm SAT từ 1400+
38% học viên đạt điểm 1500+
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